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American Art at the Core of Learning (AACL) is an unprecedented collaboration between twelve Chicago museums. Led by the Terra Foundation for American Art, the project demonstrates the relevance of museums and American artworks in K-12 education.

If this is your first time visiting AACL, check out some of these can’t-miss resources:

Just for Teachers

Want to bring more art into your curriculum? Examples at the links below will help you get started.

VIEW a lesson: https://www.terraamericanart.org/learning/lesson-the-dust-bowl-experience-documenting-lives-dorothea-langes-migrant-mother/

EXPLORE texts for students:

WATCH a video about teaching with artworks: https://www.terraamericanart.org/tools-for-teachers/tools-for-teachers-video-reading-a-painting/

BUILD your own CCSS-ELA integrated lesson using our Common Core Questions for Discussing Artworks: https://www.terraamericanart.org/tools-for-teachers/discussing-art-and-common-core-anchor-standards/

Project highlights

LEARN about projects completed by AACL partners: https://www.terraamericanart.org/aacl/partners/

REVIEW our evaluation report: