Colby College
Waterville, Maine

To support Wabanaki Artist Convening: Inspiring Transformative Institutional Change through Strong Relationships and Native-led Partnerships, taking place beyond the Colby College campus in the Wabanaki communities. The event, co-created by Wabanaki representatives, consists of a dialogue between Wabanaki artists, culture bearers, and Wabanaki community members and the Colby Museum and its Lunder Institute staff in order to lead to stronger Native-led partnerships, further support for Wabanaki artists within their home communities and lands, and enhanced frameworks for presenting expansive narratives from Indigenous artists and Indigenous perspectives. There are communitybuilding opportunities providing time for artists to individually and collaboratively create art. Audio of the dialogues, hosted through the Lunder Institute’s public archive stewarded by Colby Libraries, will be accessible to a broader audience through JSTOR and the Colby Museum’s website. 

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