To request library materials in advance:
- Log into your account
- Find and select the book in the catalogue that you would like to request in advance
- Click the “Place hold” button
- The book will be delivered the next day
Copies and reproductions:
- Photocopies (self-service; cost: 0.10€ per A4 page; 0.20€ per A3 page; color: 0.30€ per A4 page; 0.40€ per A3 page
- Scans (self-service; cost: free)
Suggest a title for purchase:
- Log into your account
- Click “Your purchase suggestions”
- Click “New purchase suggestion”
- Fill out the form
- Click “Submit your suggestion”
Books can be placed on hold for a maximum of one week.
Click here to access the Fondation Custodia Library holdings.