Terra Foundation Library Services

A stack of four books on a white table.

Holdings of the Terra Foundation Library for American Art consist of over 12,000 English-language books and catalogues, including rare materials and digital resources, on painting, sculpture, and graphic arts, as well as photography and decorative arts.

To request library materials in advance:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Find and select the book in the catalogue that you would like to request in advance
  3. Click the “Place hold” button
  4. The book will be delivered the next day

Copies and reproductions:

  • Photocopies (self-service; cost: 0.10€ per A4 page; 0.20€ per A3 page; color: 0.30€ per A4 page; 0.40€ per A3 page
  • Scans (self-service; cost: free)

Suggest a title for purchase:

  1. Log into your account
  2. Click “Your purchase suggestions”
  3. Click “New purchase suggestion”
  4. Fill out the form
  5. Click “Submit your suggestion”

Books can be placed on hold for a maximum of one week.

Click here to access the Fondation Custodia Library holdings.