Terra Foundation Visiting Professorships at the University of Sydney

This is a three-year Terra Foundation Visiting Professorship and Research Program devoted to Native American art at the Power Institute Foundation for Art and Visual Culture, University of Sydney. The program introduces Native American art to Australian students and initiate research on connections between the Indigenous cultures of Australia, Asia-Pacific, and North America. One Terra Foundation Visiting Professor is selected annually by open call among scholars and curators with expertise in Indigenous cultures of Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian peoples. The professor teaches undergraduate and graduate students, lectures at various off-campus institutions, and organizes a public conference. They also receive a special travel allowance to study Indigenous art collections in Sydney and beyond and conduct joint research projects with Australian colleagues working on comparative studies of the art and culture of Indigenous peoples. 

The 2023–24 Terra Foundation Visiting Professor at the Power Institute, at the University of Sydney, is Gerald McMaster, Director of the Wapatah Centre for Indigenous Visual Knowledge at OCAD University in Toronto.  More details about his professorship are available on the Power Institute website.