Mondriaan into Mondrian: Paris to New York at Terra Foundation Paris Center & Library

April 27, 2016
Terra Foundation Paris Center & Library

The tumult of the Second World War led to a veritable exodus of European artists and intellectuals to the United States, including Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. His studio in New York, where he worked from 1940 until his death in 1944, symbolized a crucial locus of exchange in artistic ideas between Europe and America.


  • Nancy J. Troy, Victoria and Roger Sant Professor in Art and Chair of the Art & Art History Department, Stanford University
  • Hans Janssen, Curator of Modern Art, Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

Nancy Troy is the author of The Afterlife of Piet Mondrian (University of Chicago Press, 2013), which studies the artist’s legacy and influence in fashion, graphic design, and consumer commodities. Hans Janssen, author of a forthcoming new biography of the artist, is also curator at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, which holds the world’s largest collection of works by Mondrian, including Victory Boogie-Woogie, Mondrian’s last, unfinished painting, created in New York in anticipation of the end of the war, which he did not live to witness.

“Mondriaan into Mondrian: Paris to New York” is the fourth event in the conference series “Holland-America: A Transatlantic Dialogue, from 1609 to Today,” organized and hosted by the Terra Foundation Paris Center & Library in spring 2016.

Videography by Romain Grésillon.