Many images of artworks in the Terra Foundation collection are available for download for academic or educational use from the Terra Foundation website. If a downloadable image is available, the download link appears beneath the image, alongside the required caption and credit line. The Terra Foundation asks that the caption and credit line provided be used in all academic uses. You may browse collection images online.
Guidelines for academic fair use have been set forth by American Alliance of Museums and College Art Association.
You are solely responsible for the download or use of any images from the Terra Foundation site. It is your responsibility to verify or to accept any rights information provided as well as to obtain any additional permission or clearances that may be required for images of artworks protected by copyright or a third party.
The Terra Foundation also makes high resolution images available through the ArtStor Digital Library. For information on ArtStor access and accounts, please visit their website. Access to ArtStor may be provided by your academic institution.
Museums, scholars, and non-profits are encouraged to request permission using the contact information detailed below, in order to receive high quality images suitable for publication.