CEC ArtsLink
New York, NY

To support a small group of US-based artists and representatives of potential international host organizations to visit Bishkek, Kyrgyztan in Fall 2023 during the Trash Festival led by former ArtsLink International Fellow Bermet Borubaeva, enabling the group to further hone their concept for the US fellowship program to be launched in 2024. Mirroring the renowned ArtsLink International Fellowships program established in 1993, the ArtsLink US Fellowship program is designed to leverage an investment in individual artistic practitioners; stimulate the creative practice of the artist at a key career moment through embedded research and travel; deepen the impact and understanding of their work at home and internationally; and contribute to discourse that is addressing urgent concerns. Following the study visit, the organization convenes a group of thought partners for a virtual dialogue focused on US artists’ needs and desires for an international residency program, coupled with potential host organizations’ offerings and assessment of community interest in hosting visitors.

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